So today a lady in a mommy group I follow on Facebook was bashing a post about teen moms (which I am and commented my little story in the comments) and she basically started bashing me, telling me I should've finished school first and that my mother failed me as a parent. Once she brought my mom into it I got pissed! My mom did everything she was supposed to do, we had the talk, she told me about protection and to come to her if I ever needed any and she went with me to get birth control once I got in a very serious relationship with my boyfriend. She's the kind of parent who knows that if A teenager really wants to do something they'll do it, (I'm that kind of teenager) so she wanted me to at least be as protected as possible if and when I decided to have sex, well I got pregnant at 15 (I was still on the birth control too) anyways my point is she absolutely did not fail me! I was the one who chose to go and have sex and I was the one who put myself in the situation not her. She did absolutely nothing wrong, and it absolutely makes me furious when someone wants to blame my mother for something I did!! (Sorry guys I just really needed to get this off my chest and I don't have any friends that I can talk to.)