i just start pumping, not sure if m doing right..

M a new mum to a 9days baby boy. Before start pumping i've tried all my best and used all adivises i got from everywhere about directly breastfeed. BUT i just cannot do it. My both nipples cracked and bleed since first time i feed him in hospital and they not getting better until day 7 my husband and i decided to try pumping. I like it! I pump every 2hr and half. Each time i get around 55-60ml (nearly 2oz) from 30mins pumping each side. 
First, i just want to pump and let my nipples heal for couple days then switch back to nursing him, but now i seem to like pumping alot, So i want to keep pumping until i want to quit breastfeeding. My goal is to give breast milk to him until 8months. My concerns are, how can i able to stock up some milk as most amazing pumping mums!? As now i only able to pump just enough for 1 time feeding him. I mean nothing left i can save from each pump! Should i start to save by cutting down the amount i gave him? Lastly, sometimes i feel m a bad mum as i choose to stay home full time just to take care him but i still give him my breast milk thru bottle like busy working mum.. Am i the only one who doing that? :((