How often do you pee?

I drink around 3 litres or more of water a day (not a problem according to my doctor) and I pee around 12 times maybe? Most people I know barely drink 1 litre of water a day and I get teased (by my friends, nothing mean) for going to the bathroom so often. It's a bit annoying with my university timetable because there's not enough time between lectures/seminars/tutorials to go to the bathroom and on days where I have big chunks without breaks I end up holding it in and I'm worried it's not good for me because I'm bursting when I eventually go.

How much do you drink? And how often do you pee? So many people are surprised by how much I drink but I start to feel sluggish if I drink any less water. It's probably a lot more if you factor in water from fruit and veg because I'm vegan and eat tonnes of them too.

I'm not about to change how much I drink but am I the only one like this?! My friends are always joking about it whenever I say I'm going to the bathroom or ask to stop at one before a lecture or something. I feel like a bit of a nuisance at times but when you gotta go you gotta go (and no, it's not that I can't hold it and it's a tiny amount, I pee a lot when I go)