5 week postpartum belly - not flat

If there is anyone else out there who is struggling with body image, know that you're not alone. I have seen so many belly pictures in various apps and groups. So many women who have had flat stomachs, and they were only a few weeks (or days, in some cases) postpartum. Even though I am so happy for them, I understand that not all women are made that way.  I had a hard time realizing this though. I never really "shed" the baby bump after having my daughter, and now I am 5 weeks postpartum with my son. I have been having a hard time with random people on the street still asking me when I'm due. I have never really been a thin person (since high school anyway), so I don't expect to have the beach bod. I am starting to understand that it takes 9 months to stretch the belly, and it will take a while for it to shrink. I grew two amazing little people in this belly, so SO WHAT if there is a little skin and some stretch marks to show for it?  This picture is of me 5 weeks postpartum. I wore this swimsuit on my honeymoon about 35 pounds (and 2 kids) ago.  I don't think I will be wearing it out any time soon, but posting this here is a start. My husband still finds me sexy because the marks and changes show that I had his kids and are a reminder of our family. I am starting to view it that way too. I wanted to post this so that other women having the same struggles know that not all postpartum bellies flatten right away. It's okay to still have that skin, those marks, etc.  I hope all of the May mommas here are feeling great and enjoying those little ones (or are feeling great while awaiting the baby's arrival)!