Never late...


I religiously have 27 day cycles and am currently on cd 29 now. I've taken probably 10 hpt's. 9 were negative (1 taken today) and 1 (taken last night) ended up giving me a very faint positive. I did have what i thought was implantation cramping on cd23 (i felt ic with my previous 2 pregnancies) and cramping again on what should have been cd 1. I only have 1other symptom and it is a weird one i ONLY get when pregnant. Anyone else ever experience a similar situation and end up with a bfp? Im going to try not to test tomorrow. Trying to wait until Sunday or Monday but I think I'm addicted at this point.

Edited to add photo of the 1 positive hpt. You can see the faint line to the left of the control line.