Son has autism?

Hi so I hope I'm not offending anyone. I am so depressed right now. I have a 4 month old daughter and a 17 month old son. Since my kids are so close I haven't had as much time to give to my son as I wish I had but these past few days I've been giving him alot of my attention and realized some concerning things. He doesn't respond to his name like 90 % of the time. He never really did respond to his name looking back but at almost 18 months he should be no? Also he doesn't point he used to say bye and wave he doesn't really anymore I feel like the few words he learnt as a 9 month old he has forgotten. He used to say mine and know that mine meant he'd get something now I have to fight with him to get him to say mine he has no idea what I'm talking about. He does interact tho. He does laugh and smile and hug me he also hugs his sister. He does bring me toys and he does speak in his own language weird words but he'll male eye contact as if he's trying to speak English. I have noticed occasional hand flaps and he likes to bang in his high chair but I've heard that other kids so that too? I think he may have autism. I called into early intervention today and they told me in 2 days theyl let me know if we qualify but based on what I said we do. Anyways I need some positive input. I feel devastated. He's my first born baby I adore him pleas someone say something to lessen the fear of the unknown. I feel like I don't know who he is anymore. Ps he has not gotten his mmr shot because I did notice he had some delays before and wanted to push it off till a much later age like before school starts incase the controversy was true but he has had all other shots. Anyways anybody have any like positive advice or tips. How do give him a good life?? How do I help his chances at leading an independent future etc??