
So my LO has had diarrhea for 5 days now. It's not significant amounts but it's a few times a day and a bright green. There hasn't been any diet change on my behalf, but the one thing I'm thinking it is is Franks Red Hot. I ate it last Saturday and she's had this since Sunday. She got a pretty bad diaper rash from it too but that's clearing up now, yay Aquaphor! I'm calling her ped tomorrow to see if I can get her in, but could it be that it hasn't worked it's way out of my milk yet? I know it can take dairy a couple of weeks, could it be the same for this too? She's never really done well with hot sauces, so I sedomly eat it, but she's never had diarrhea before. No fever, she's eating just fine, plenty of wet diapers, normal behavior. Any ideas? Could a dairy allergy suddenly come about too? Teething?