Finally got my BFP and i wanted to share my experience and symptoms

Up until only today, I used to love reading these type of posts to hear other ppls stories and experiences of their journey to TTC. So here's mine :)

I had really early symptoms from around 5/6 dpo. I had lots of creamy/ wet cm. Tingly boobs and sensitive nipples and dizziness. Around 8/9/10 dpo, I became really really thirsty and had a dry mouth all the time. I was also very tired, but couldn't sleep well. I had mild back pain and little twinges and almost bubbly feelings in my stomach.

Around 11/12 dpo I needed to pee alot! And continued feeling dizzy and starting to go off certain foods i.e chicken makes me gag! And my super nose! I mean super nose, I could smell everything and from so far away! I went for a walk yesterday and could smell the flowers when I walked past. Normally I wouldn't be able to smell a flower unless it right under my nose! I'm also just generally much more sensitive to smells.

The main thing that pushed me to test, was the tingly boobs. Very unusual for me and the excessive dry mouth and thirst. Those aren't things that normally happen before af shows up. So I did! And BAM! a BFP! This will be my second baby.

This month, I felt like we finally got our timing spot on which is why I was so closely watching all my symptoms. The only thing we did differently was BD more often in the fertile window. And I layed down for longer afterwards.

Sending baby dust to everyone who is TTC 💓💓💓