Anxious! (Long Post)

So let me start off by saying I've always been a heavy lady!

I am 5'4" about 210 pre pregnancy.

I have had two misscarriages and one chemical pregnancy.

My fiance and I had gotten pregnant a year and a half into our relationship and lost the baby at 7 week's.

6 month's later we had a strong positive and then four day's later a negative "chemical" I started bleeding 6 day's after the positive 2 day's after the negative.

Then for 5 years we tried preseed, legs up on the wall with my butt elivated and enough opks to support the whole glow community (or so it felt).

I had given up hope and put it in the back of my mind. Well then my MIL passed away and not even 6 week's later I got another positive!

At 7 week's I started spotting and my dr wasn't concerned. And told me it can happen in early pregnancy.

At 9 week's my breast tenderness went and I knew it was happening all over again..

@ 12 week's I had brown discharge, the dr told me to go to emerg, they did an ultrasound and said babies heart stoped at 6+4 and gave me the option a d&c or naturally allow my body to expel the pregnancy.

I chose natural and at 13w6d I was in the worst pain of my life and my body did it's job!

2 month's later my FIL passed, honestly it was sudden and dramatically devastating for my fiance.

We had moved and were greiving and again hadn't even thought of trying to get pregnant and 9-10 month's after his passing we again found out we WERE pregnant!!!


I am now 18+1 and he and I couldn't be more happy!!

I had a Dr's appointment yesterday and had my glucose test done, they called this morning demanding I return Monday (yikes)

I know the baby is okay atm as we heard his/her heart beat yesterday a strong 150!!!

(We have our ultrasound this up coming Thursday and will get to see what the baby is!! )

I'm a worrier an overthinker and have always had high anxiety so I'm extremely anxious about my blood work!
