Found a cure for nausea!!!

So I have had vomiting, nausea, and lack of sleep! A friend of mine had the same kind of debilitating nausea (she said she literally had to take off from work). She purchased those sea wrist bands for nausea and told me she felt a million times better and the nausea went away. So, I listened to her and had my husband go to target and purchase them. I put them on and have felt tremendously better. They come with 2 in a pack and are around 8 bucks. They operate by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist . It helps with nausea and vomiting in travel( a lot of people on cruise ships wear them so they don't get sea sick), pregnancy, post operative chemotherapy, and other conditions that induce nausea. If you have nausea, do yourself a favor and go purchase these wrist bands. :)