HSG - did it help you get pregnant?

Carrie • M/C 12/2016 • TFMR 12/2017 • M/C 7/2018 Baby girl born 12/27/19 Baby boy due 12/19/21
I had a missed miscarriage, waited forever for my body to normalize again, and have since been TTC.  It's been a mix of trying naturally, one round of clomid plus ovidrel, then one round of clomid/ovidrel plus <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> (under really great conditions).  Nothing has worked so far.  Today, my doctor suggested I do an HSG after my next period.  He thinks my D&C could have caused some sort of blockage.  I've read that you have an increased chance of pregnancy in the immediate months following an HSG.  Anyone have any personal experience with this?  Thanks!!!