Mirena IUD removed today! let's do this!

Alexa • Married mama of 2 crazy kiddos 💍💕 Callen & Bennett 👶🏽👦🏽
After 4 and a half years, I got my Mirena IUD removed today! My husband and I are celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary this month and November marks 5 years together!  My next birthday is the big 3-0 and I'm not "ready" but I'm ready as I'll ever be to start this TTC journey!
I'm nervous, scared, happy, excited! No clue how long it will take for us to get pregnant since I haven't had a period in 4 years, and I've heard so many different stories from women getting pregnant after mirena!
All I know is that I truly believe it will happen when it's supposed to. So today is officially Day 1 of TTC! Here goes nothin! 
So I'm just curious and I love hearing stories: how long did it take for you to get pregnant after getting Mirena removed?