Kinda embarrassing...

Ok ladies, i need some advice or info

I had an episiotomy with my son 5 years ago. I never thought it healed normally, but ehh..i was embarrassed to tell my doc. So my area was always a bit uncomfortable. The past year or so, after intercourse..i have been tearing. I went to my doctor with the concern, and he said im not. 😨 i was really annoyed with his ease with saying i had no idea about my body. I went to a second op, and that doc said the tear was minor and didnt require fixing.

After being with hubby last week, i have torn all the way back. 😵 so that perenium skin is totally split almost to the behind hole. I am mortified to tell my doctor it tore all the way, and i cant find anything on google about repairs such as stitching. Has anyone had this happen?

Please no judgement! I am going to reach out to my doctor tomorrow. I was just hoping one of you gals had any input?
