Got in a fight with hubby need advice

Ugh so my husband and I have been together two years we fight hard but live hard (never physical) so to day we have been fighting bad he works 5\6 days a week 12-13 hrs a day he's tired I get that but every night he drinks half - 3/4 a bottle of jack or quite a few beers he says its to calm down he admits its to much but doesn't change well when he does get days off he wants to sleep tell 12- sometimes 4 in the afternoon I don't mind him sleeping tell like 9/10 but he never gets to see his kids or me so I think his days off should b spent with us today he had promised to take the kids to the beach and broke his promise cuz at 10 I tried to wake him he asked to sleep tell 11 I let him and come 11 he told me to run errands and take the kids to the beach alone (all 3) and I got mad and told him his priority's r fucked and he needs to grow uo which I know was wrong on my part but he's been going off like screamed at me multiple time all day wont even b in the same room as me says if I wanna tell him what a pos and bad husband he is cuz he doesn't have his priority's straight he will show me what a pos he is and is just being fucking mean and I feel out of line today he's straight talking about devoice cuz I wanted him to spend the day with us we have had plenty of fights were we both use words to cut deep and hurt each other and he's throwing what I've said in the past in my face idk what to do am I wrong in wanting him to stop drinking as much and spend more time with us?