Speechless moment

My boyfriend and I usually have serious conversations after sex and he mentioned baby's... (Scary part of having sex when you are not married) Well we came to a agreement that if I get pregnant we will keep the baby and that we will get married before I start to show. That time the serious convo was not to bad. Although a few days ago We had the conversation in which he asked me how did it feel when I orgasm... I haven't orgasm yet so I made something up... I told him that it feels like when he massages my clitoris and that is warm and that he has to hit an inside wall that the friction makes it feel good... I dont even know if thats true lol He is the only guy I have had sex with and I have not orgasm yet, so I was mot sure of what to say and I didn't want him to feel bad that he hasnt make me orgasm yet. Can you guys help me? How does it feel to orgasm? How can I orgasm? Lol I feel weird asking this. But please help ^.^