Welcomed my baby girl!

Kiara⭐️⭐️⭐️ • 26. 6.9.2017 🌸 due for #2 08.23.2020
On June 8th I woke up at 4am feeling a little wet so i thought my water had broken but being a FTM i wasnt sure. I waited a few hours & began timing my contractions which were 8 minutes apart at about 6pm. So i called my midwife & she told me to come to the hospital. My mom brought me in & i sat in triage where they checked me & tested to see if my waters had broken. The triage nurse thought that maybe i peed myself. An hour later the test results came back positive for amniotic fluid & i was admitted. I was put on the monitor & pitocin to get my contractions regular & they were still pretty mild for the remainder of the night. My midwife came to see me at about 8am June 9th to check me & i was still at a 3. She broke my water & that's when ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!  Not only did that hurt like hell but my contractions started getting intense & damn near unbearable. My fiance was upset seeing me in so much pain. I took those contractions for 2 hours before getting an IV drug to relax me. It took the edge off but i could feel that pain still. The drug wore off after 2 hours where i was begging for an epidural at this point. I got my epidural & it was heaven. My nurse talked me through it & they let me know everything that was happening & what I would feel. Once it kicked in i was able to sleep & my labor went like a breeze. My nurse came to check me at 12pm i was at a 6. She had me do a few practice pushes & when my baby's head came through my cervix i was at a 9. When 1:50 came around it was time to push. I pushed for an hour & my baby girl was in the world! It was the most exhausting thing i have ever done in my life but i'd do it all again for my angel. 
Caari Chanel Mosley was born 6/9/17 at 2:56pm weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces & 18 inches long. 💕
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Posted at
Pitocin is no joke, especially when they break that water.. omg 😣


Br • Jun 12, 2017
Btw, congrats!! 💕


Posted at
Congrats and she is beautiful 


Posted at
Welcome to the world baby girl


Posted at
Beautiful baby congratulations 


Posted at
So precious congrats 


Posted at
Awe so tiny! Adorable congrats mama


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Posted at
Congrats! How do you pronounce her first name?


Kiara⭐️⭐️⭐️ • Jun 11, 2017