What will help?

My boyfriend and I are in a very rough patch right now and I don't know how to get out of it 
I've always had anxiety and it's been hard for him to deal with, I'm looking into professional help because I want things to be easier on him, he shouldn't feel inconvenienced by my anxiety if I can go to a professional who knows how to handle it properly
He feels emotionally weighed down by me and I don't want that for him 
We've also been together for 2 years long distance and that has never really been a deal breaking issue for us 
We're going to the same college in just about 2 months and it feels like we're finally in the home stretch, we're finally going to be less than hundreds of miles away and now there's a possibility of breaking up 
I personally want to stick it out and see it college might bring us closer, literally and emotionally but I don't think he does 
What should we do?