Sexual abuse trauma advocate struggling with intimacy

Michelle • Married to love of my life & mother of 2 precious baby girls 💕🙏🏼
So I have experienced years of sexual / mental / verbal abuse .. And in the last year I started going to therapy then started my own support group on Facebook called My Road To Recovery. 
so I'm in the sexual abuse trauma healing process and there are days where I feel completely fine being intimate with my husband . Then there are the bad days where the slightest hint of sexual implication or touch can trigger me to shut down and freeze up and have flashbacks.. Etc. 
Today is one of the bad days . And it's days like these that I feel like all of this is too much for me to handle. Not only does it take a toll on ME mentally , but I KNOW it's hard for my husband to not feel like he's doing something wrong. I feel like I'm a burden on our sex life because of what the trauma has done to me mentally.
Anyone else has similar things happen to them ? Any suggestions ? 
Thank you all for listening