Starting my health journey....

I went to the doctor recently for a physical (blood test, urine test, etc) because I haven't gone to the doctor for a check up or for any testing in over 3 years. The results came back, which were pretty good (slightly high cholesterol, vitamin d deficient). She told me to exercise and to eat better, which I've been doing since I went to the doctor 3 days ago. I want to lose weight, as I'm 10lbs away from being obese in BMI (5'7", 180lbs). I also want to eat healthier. I've been tracking my food intake with an app (Lifesum), working out for 30+ mins a day, drinking much more water, and not eating junk food. 
The point of this post is to ask those who are on top of their calories/fats/carbs/etc or those who watch their health/food intake, is it ok to go over my calories some days? Like today, I had more fat than I should have (I ate avocado which apparently pushed me over the edge). I went over my recommended calories by 115 calories. I was under on my carbs and right on with my proteins. I walked for 50 minutes today. I don't want to be obsessed, but I want to know what's ok and what isn't. ANY tips would be appreciated ❤️