Chemical Pregnancy. ..again ? :(

Anyone, please please respond with anything you know or personal experiences. I had a positive but faint line last month in May, and I was excited. I was a week late, but then the worst happened. I ran to the bathroom and seen blood which I had felt coming. I guess looking back there was a sign when I took another test and it was much fainter than the first, but I just told myself they are two different brands so that's why. Now, I feel deja vu, because I am now this month experiencing the same signs and symptoms I did last month, and I'm scared it'll happen again. I remmeber having on and off very light cramping that feels more like a shooting pain and sometimes it's in different spots. My cm looked exactly like whole milk. And also, I don't know if this is just a coincidence, but I had nausea the day after having sex and it lasted a few days, the only difference is I ended up actually throwing up this month. I'm only possibly 7-9 dpo, and yesterday and today I haven't felt that sick feeling. If anyone who has read all this and took the time to read through it up until now, please could you give me any answers? Do you recall what symptoms you may have had before having a chemical pregnancy if you had any, or if you had a healthy pregnancy following one and if they were the same feelings? Anything helps, please comment!