I just want advice...

I'm worried and all I want is answers and an explanation but everything I do leads me to conflicting answers. I'm ten days late and I have never been this late before. The max I have ever been late was 4 days. I've tried numerous things to try to kickstart my period but nothing seems to work. Usually a rough sex session will kick start it but I've tried that quite a few times and it hasn't worked. I've taken two tests but both have come out negative. I have had heartburn like crazy and felt extremely nauseous at times. My lower back has hurt constantly for a while now and a sore abdomen that is not comparable to my normal period pains. I don't know what to do.... my mom took many home tests when she was pregnant with me and eventually had to have a blood test to figure out she was pregnant. Is that what I need to do to get answers.....?