I just need to vent

My husband is my hero. He's an amazing man, friend, father, lover, and provider. He keeps me laughing, keeps me sane, and stays calm when I wanna stress out. It's no wonder we want to have a child together, even at 36. I'm crazy about him! 
Now, here's my rant. Hubs is a flight paramedic. He works 24 hour shifts in the 3rd most dangerous field in the world. He loves what he does, and I'm so proud of him, but here lately his job has become a problem. He's working all the time. He just called and said his boss wants him in another town tomorrow for 12 hours, which means he's working almost every day this week. Then, when he is home, he's so tired. How can we have a baby if he's never home? Heck, how can I even see him?
Please don't think I'm ungrateful. He works hard to keep others safe, and he's committed to working so I can be home with family more. I just had to get it off my chest.