Tongue tie?

Jordan • Taylor Bethany ♡
When my baby was born via emergency c-section a month ago I really struggled with breastfeeding. I couldn't get her to latch and she would scream at my breast and cry until I gave in and used expressed BM for her. The midwives at the hospital made me feel stupid and incompetent. I didn't understand why I couldn't do it. They'd checked at the hospital for a tongue tie and apparently she didn't have one. Then I was offered the chance for a midwife support worker to come and visit us to help me latch on, and she checked Taylor again and found she has a posterior tongue tie. We were offered the choice of having her operated on, by a consultant, but told that they may not do it as it's quite a bad one. So we turned her down because we felt so traumatised by how we'd been treated, and I was still I'll from my section and a big blood loss on the table. I never stopped feeling like I wanted to breastfeed my little girl, she's now 4 weeks old and I'm contacting them to ask them to refer us so we can maybe get it fixed. I want to feel close to my baby, and losing the chance to give birth naturally due to complications made me feel less of a woman, so I don't want to miss out here. Have any of you ladies children had tongue ties? Did you get them operated on, and how did it turn out? Also, if you didn't have it fixed, why not, and how did that turn out?