just a little thought

Kathy • 30 - FTM - Vaeda Miribelle born 10/24/18
First time posting, we're not pregnant nor have we ever been. We've been married for 2 1/2 years and were never "careful" from the start. I read all of the hopeful mommies posts on here and I just wanted to let you know that I am right here with you. I've cried more times since joining this app than I care to admit. I never thought I'd be so emotional about NOT having a child. I don't even know what pregnant feels like. Every month goes by, and every month I am heartbroken feeling and seeing the start of yet another period. When is the right time to seek help? How do you keep smiling when you see yet another pregnancy announcement from a friend? The maternal want has hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm afraid one of us is broken. :(