
Girls I recently found out my boyfriend has made a periscope account in which he broadcasts himself. It has bothered me because he posts his snap chat account on his profile and also when some girls ask what city he's in he tells them. He's also flirty and it bothers me because before we agreed that we won't talk with anybody of the opposite gender and now he's breaking that promise ever since we are not living together. Also he's following some girls on periscope. Am I overreacting? I just feel really jealous about this because I don't want him talking to anybody of the opposite gender because I know how girls are. He mostly talks about random things but sometimes he flirty

Note: I have tried talking to him about it but he doesn't listen. Also when I told him I found out he had periscope he blocked me and told me to stop looking at what he's doing which made me more suspicious. I have another phone so made another account and he deletes his broadcasts after he goes live so I don't check what he talked about.