OPK's have me stressed!!!

Does anyone else wish they hadn't started using OPK's?? I think they are stressing me out more than a pregnancy test!
Only recently had my Mirena coil removed after 5 years, and this is the first month myself and my SO are TTC. So I'm not stressing about getting pregnant straight away - I know it takes time.
However I started using OPK's this month, really just to understand more about my body and cycles and obviously enhance the chance of getting pregnant in the coming months. However, I don't seem to have ovulated and I am well past what I think is my half point in my cycle. Now maybe I'm not a standard 28 person (my last 2 cycles have been 27 and 28 days), or maybe the Mirena has stopped me ovulating and it will take more time to regulate?
Or... maybe I missed my ovulation this month. 
Who knows, there are many scenarios. I just don't want to stress that I am infertile, because at 34 that hasn't been something I've worried about until now!!!
Anyone else had similar experiences? 
Gill xxx