Period sex ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚

I had amazing period sex! Lol but now my vigina hurts soooooooo bad. Like around my clit ,my inside lips itch and around my vigina opening is sore and and feels cut. My bleeding also came to a stop and I had a little bit of creamy cm, my period didn't fully come back as I had sex on my heavy days and now I only have blood when I wipe. (I use tampons and my one night stand had a real big one..and we did use condoms 2 times but after that we went raw ) is it normal for me to be having this pain, or should I worry. And my period kinda disappeared, is that Normal ? Thanks oh and I did use some new cheap scented soap. I'm really hoping that it's itches and is painful because it got sensitive and it is not something I'm needing to get checked for..