Cry it out method NOT working?

Has anyone tried the cry it out method and not have it work? No judgement please. My LO is 8 months this week and goes down after lotion, PJs and nursing easily but has been waking multiple times a night since the 4 month sleep regression at least 5 out of 7 nights a week (sometimes we get just one or two wakings). We tried for 3 straight days the cry it out method but instead of it getting better after those first hard nights it got worse!! She first would fuss cry then we'd soothe and keep trying .., now she screams these agonizing high pitched ones until I nurse her and rock her for like 20 minutes! I thought they're supposed to become better after this not worse?! Any thoughts? I've just gone back to going in and nursing because at least then she goes down for a solid 2 hours or so 😩.