just anxious

So driving along and this car just pulls out in front of another car. So I go around that car in front of me and back in front of him so I wouldn't hit him. I know I'm fine. But just my mind likes to wander. Didn't hit anyone. Didn't even slam that hard on my breaks. But still freaked out. Could anything be wrong with me. Like internal bleeding some how. And or what else could of anything. 
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You're fine, it takes a lot to cause internal bleeding in our bodies. My bf has these worries sometimes after driving and he's going to get counseling for OCD tendencies and anxiety. Counselors are awesome and really good at answering these questions. 


⭐️crissy⭐️ • Jun 12, 2017
Yea I have one. I have anxiety. So I tell her about it too.