He's a Virgin

Hey ladies! I am talking to this guy. He's extremely sweet, genuinely nice and caring, and we like a lot of the same things. We also have a lot of sexual tension built up...we haven't even kissed yet. He is very socially awkward and doesn't have really any experience with women. We don't want to rush into a relationship but we have both expressed that we do want to be together. Now, this weekend our conversation somehow ended up at sex. He told me he's never had sex before (I have) and he believes at some point he would be ready to (with me) but he's very anxious about it. I'm not worried about him being a virgin, however, I want to be prepared for if it does end up happening. I am already on birth control. I told him I'm not going to rush him with that stuff and that if it comes to that, not to do anything he's not ready for and to communicate with me. I also told him that honestly it takes practice. I think he is worried because he is 27 and he has no experience. He told me he's worried that we won't be sexually compatible even though we seen to be compatible in everything else. What are some ways I can make his first time special for him and ease his anxieties?