I feel like a horrible mom and it's my own mothers fault

Growing up was difficult for me. Not financially speaking or anything abuse related, well not physically abused. Emotionally neglected. My mother told me about the "birds and bees", she never prepared me for puberty, and I bought my first bra with my own money at 14 only because a friend of mine asked me why don't wear any bras. I didn't know. I was nïeve and now I have my own daughter who's 10 and I know absolutely nothing about what to do. Should I go buy her a trainer bra?? When should I talk to her about- you know... I don't even know how to talk about this lol. When I got my period I was 11 and my mom said "ohh that's normal. Here" hands me a pad "Let's go out to dinner, I don't feel like cooking." Seriously that's what I grew up with. Now I have my own 10 year old daughter and I feel like a horrible mom because I don't know anything. My mother never taught me anything about being a mom except "things not to do as a parent."
I'm sorry, but anything that you can share with me is most appreciated. Rather your own parenting skills or what you learned from your mother. 
Thx 😘