GO TO SLEEP BABY!! Insight would be great, this mama needs help!!!

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

OK ... need other mama wisdom here!!

Our 8 week old bebe boy sleeps from 10ish pm til 4ish am.Then eats (half asleep) & right back to bed til 7-8am 'ish.

But could these newer sleeping habits be effecting naps?

Bc last night he ate at 9 30 pm and went to bed and slept till 4 30. Then ate and slept till 8. And he would not have his am nap. He didn't fall asleep til 1pm!! And he was tired. By 10:30am.

We used swaddling and white noise and eventually he STAYED asleep. And just slept til 4pm. After all that trying to get him to nap I wasn't waking him!

BUTTTT NOW...... He just ate at 4 30 and fell asleep while eating and is still asleep on my lap and I don't wanna try to keep em up or hell be wanting to "nap" at bedtime.

If babe sleeps the hours at night that mine does, should we still try and put down for a nap 2-4x a day??? It's not like he's sleeping 8-10 STRAIGHT hours at night. He still wakes at that 3:30-4:30 am time to eat

Also... I think he's seeing further now bc he just wants to look around all over... Bobs his head all about. Like the walls are the most interesting thing ever! Not cool at nap time tho, baby! Lol.


How do you put your lil one down for naps? Awake but tired? As soon as they start fussin? At a set time (frame) each day? E.g. "80 minutes from last wake up time"

P. S. He is formula fed and he's sort of put himself on a "schedule" of some sorts. Which includes: Eat, change, then stay awake a while and then he wants his binky, blanket and sleep. (Getting/staying asleep is sometimes a different story lol) And he will eat every 2 - 3 hours in the day time.

We also have a bedtime routine that we started around 4 weeks old which includes a bath (we don't use soap nightly tho) followed by... Bedtime Lotion massage, singing a special bedtime only song during the massage, PJ's, then swaddle, and put on sleep machine, feed, and then bed. And (99.9% of the time he's Out cold by the time we're done)

P. S. Must of taken a while to type all this.. Because Lil Liam woke up at 5:50 on his own and it's now 6:15. So we're off to have tummy time and then an evening stroll when the sun goes down more.

Thanks so much for reading, 💜 I know this was super long!! And any advice would be great! Or, even if your in the same situation currently!maybe it's a wonder week? Growth spurt? 🤔😐😕