Definitely thrush then! My babe and I both got it but easy to treat! Make sure you get treatment too. Nipples can get so sore with it
Sammi • Jun 14, 2017
It's definitely thrush, my lil girl has had thrush on and off for a few weeks as I'm breastfeeding and my treatment failed. I've developed ductal thrush ( ouch! ) and have now been prescribed anti fungal tablets. If you're breastfeeding then you both need treatment at the same time x
Pe • Jun 13, 2017
Posted at
Definitely thrush. Same thing happened to me when my baby was a little over a month. Took her in and they gave me nystatin to give to her 4 times a day. And if you're breast feeding make sure you put some of the nystatin on your nipples.
it did get a little worse but then cleared up. i ended up having to have her on it for over a month because it just wouldn't go away. and I'm pretty sure the medicine upset her stomach for the first week. she was up crying all night.
Pe • Jun 14, 2017
I'll call again tomorrow! When you started the medicine with your lo did it get a smidge worse before it got better? I read that may happen.
Kori • Jun 13, 2017
that's odd. i got a decent size bottle and a refill when my baby got thrush. it was just for just in case i needed it.