Women with multiple husbands- your thoughts?

You may have seen this video, if not I suggest you look it up and watch it!
It's about villages in the Himalayas where it is the norm for women to have multiple husbands, called Polyandry, other tribes in the world also practice it. It's a way to control population since there is limited land. And a woman can only have a kid at a time. The woman, her husbands, and their kids all live in the same household and the kids think of all the men as their dads. There are no gender roles, both men and the woman work and take care of the children.
Reading through the fb video comments, most women agreed this is a great idea and a great different point of view since we only hear about men with multiple wives and how it's concidered to be a male fantasy to have multiple wives.
Most of the men who commented didn't like the idea of this. They didn't like how the kids wouldn't know who was their real dad and that the dad's most likely wouldn't know who were their real kids. And didn't like the thought of living with other men and cleaning up after them, etc. 
Some men called women sluts and whores for thinking this idea was good --- I think that says a lot about how our society is when it comes to slut shaming and gender roles. 
What are your thoughts?