Fathers Day

So...I had this really cute idea planned where I was going to take my SO out to lunch/dinner and give him a picture of our son (3D sonogram) in a cute frame and all of that...well his f'ing grandma gave him that TODAY (it's not even freaking Father's Day yet!!!😡😡😡😡) btw his grandma can be a really ornery person and no she didn't know that I was giving him that but I wish she would've maybe asked me what I was going to do for him first instead of taking it upon herself. I've already bought the frame and everything and now I got to come up something something completely unique and original...and I may be just blowing it out of proportion but I really really REALLY wanted to do this for him being that it's his 1st Father's Day and all.....😥 I'm really bummed bc I had this all planned out...idk what to do or how to feel bc I don't know who to be angry at...