32 weeks with twins and pain/issues

Anyone else have pain in the upper right quadrant of their abdomen this far along? I'm having twin boys and the pressure is unreal. I know one of my boys sits up in that area, so at first I tried not to complain much. The pain was so bad last night though, it made me cry. Very sharp. I called the doctor who said it was normal, but to check my blood pressure and call back if it was high. I have not had high blood pressure this entire time. It was 139/83, which he said was high for me, but not alarming. Told me it was a common complaint. I've also called about itchy hands and feet, but that has subsided. I feel the babies move pretty regularly and check their heartbeat with my Doppler. I have incredibly swollen feet, ankles and legs, but have never had any protein in my urine. I don't feel like eating anything and have to force myself. Idk. I've really been trying to suck it up, but it just doesn't feel right and had been off and on for two days. Should I call back or just deal with it? Got an appt in two days. Any tips for pain management until then? Did swimming work for anyone with pressure/pain?