drank Disgusting water! help!!

I'm 18 weeks and my husband buys me water by the gallon. So I can drink lots during the day. He decided to get a gallon of Nestle Pure Life water I drank it last night in the middle of the night and didn't notice anything odd but woke up this morning and mid-chug noticed it has the WORST smell and taste . It smelt like MOLD. So I let my husband smell it and he agreed it smelt and tasted absolutely disgusting. I immediately felt a crampy severe gassy feeling in my chest and upper abdomen for a few minuets after ingesting but if went away. Not sure it it was just associated with what I had just ate or that I drank too fast. But I drank half of the gallon and I'm super paranoid. I looked and saw nothing floating....but ☹️ I can't think of anything else but "what if i hurt my baby" what if it's contaminated with something. Should I be worried ☹️
(Also he bought two so we opened the other one to check it as well and it was just as bad)