Super bummed

So my husband and I have been ttc for the past 2 years. I'm 26 and he's 31. I've finally been diagnosed with PCOS and had my first appt with a fertility doctor today. She performed a endometrial biopsy which was super painful for me. Thank goodness my husband was there. But during her ultrasound she noticed my lining is very thick. I have very irregular periods like 4 times year irregular so she was a,bit concerned with the lining. Of course she brought up cancer and freaked me out. She set up a time for me to go get a HSG and I'm super scared. She also mentioned that it's going to be hard to us to conceive and I've been super bummed all day. All I want to do is to crawl into my bed and cry. I just needed to vent but if anyone has any advice I would love to read it.