Emergency C-Section

My son was due the 6th of June, I had my membrans swept on the 2nd & my doctor said I probably would go over my due date. I went into labor the next day. I lost my mucous plug at about 830a & started getting contractions at about 930a we decided to go to the hospital around 1am they hooked me up & told me I was only 2cm dilated I could go home or walk around the hospital for an hour so we decided to walk when I went back I was only 4cm so they gave me medicine to help soften my cervix & help me get a little rest, after about 4 hours they came & checked in me I was finally dilated enough to be admitted! I got an epidural as soon as I was able which helped me sleep unfortunately it was only working on my right side after a couple hours the doctors came in & told me they were concerned because every time I would contract his heart rate would drop which they thought he had the cord wrapped around his neck I was only 9cm so they didn't want me to start pushing. About 30 min later I was told I would be having a c section as soon as they got the OR prepped! He had the cord wrapped around him multiple times after 36 hours of labor 26 unmedicated he was born on June 4th at 904p