Happy Birthday!!!

Danielle • Danielle Richards
Today is the day of my schedule c-section...39 weeks 2 days. Original due date was June 18th; which is Fathers Day. 
So many emotions are currently running through my mind and body! Everything from excitement to anxiety about being cut open! But I know it will all be worth it when I meet this brand new life I carried and is a part of me!!!
This is my 3rd c-section so I should be a pro at it lol, but it's been 10 years since my last. So, I'm feeling all sorts of ways. 
So a prayer for us!!! Have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. It's currently 3:00am here for us. I haven't slept all night...too anxious!!
Here's to us mommies for making it through whatever means necessary to bring our child/children into the world!! Good luck everyone and hope each of you are doing well!!!!
This was last week... at 38 weeks 3 days.