breaks ups during deployment. Will you ever get him back?

Caroline • Marine girlfriend 🇺🇸❤️, special education teacher 💛
Hi ladies. 
    So recently my boyfriend broke up with me (about two weeks ago). He's currently deployed and his reasoning behind breaking up was that where he is makes everything harder and that his heart isn't in the right place anymore. To give you a little more background, he's a marine and not really doing what he expected and may be there longer than what he was told. I understand why he broke up with me. Deployment puts a strain on the relationship to begin with and when things aren't going how you expected them to be it only makes matters worse. However, he said (while breaking up with me) that it wasn't to say that his heart couldn't get back to where it once was. I half way know in my heart that was just to let me down easy, but I want it to be true. My question for y'all is, has anyone ever had their military S/O breakup with them during a deployment and did you ever get back together? Or is it time to move on. I really hate this feeling, I just want him back in my life. What do I do?? Thanks ladies 💕