Am I crazy??? Please help

My SO and I have been together over 5 years. I thought our relationship was great until I read a text from a coworker says that she can't meet and he will still "want" her tomorrow. I flipped and moved out. I tried to forgive him for that and move on. I made him delete her number and promise to never text her again. Now he texts and talks on the phone with other female coworkers. I understand he wants friends but I am uncomfortable with females. He also cheated on his exwife with a female coworker. I tried to compromise and understand his feelings by telling him I don't mind texting but not all the time, however I don't see a need for them to call. Now he decided he want to go out after work with his coworkers. Once again, the majority of them are females. I am very upset by this. I tried to explain that if they were males I wouldn't think twice about it. I'm not trying to control him but it makes me uncomfortable and upset. I am willing to attend functions with him, but he says that's not an option. I don't know what to do. He keeps telling me in crazy and to jealous. If I did that to him he would go nuts, but honestly I don't want to go out with any male friends without him. What should I do? Right now we aren't even on speaking terms because he refuses to understand how I feel and he wants to spend time with them. HELP