preterm labor at 23+5

Nikki. • 25 army vet ttc with husband
Went to the DR. For some leaking, and was told horrible news. At 23+5 I'm already 1cm dialated and 50%effaced. I cried like a baby I love my son so much, I couldn't imagine leaving the hospital without him. I stayed over night hooked up to fluids and, magnesium to help with his lungs and brains. I was released yesterday on slight bedrest, but I put myself on strict bedrest. I literally lay on my left side all day unless I have to eat. Im at high risk for an earl water bust, since my bags are also protruding. I'm terrified that I will break my water any day now😢. Baby is finally at 24 weeks viability, but the doctor was horrible and gave me the whole he will probably have cerebral palsy and never be able to do anything for himself, and do I want to still resuscitate him if he is born early. Like WTF he is my son I would do anything for his life. I hated her, and that hospital, my exact reasons for wanting a midwife. Some people are so smart that they lack compassion. I'm also grateful for hospitals because they ultimately saved me and my sons life, who by the way looks great on ultrasound. Measuring three days ahead, and looking great. He has no clue he was almost born a few days ago. God I love you Amir.