parents don't like boyfriend

So, my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and my parents are on the verge of hating him. We met on tinder and the first time we got to see each other was when he flew all the way from Florida to Massachusetts to come see me (met him on tinder by visiting colleges in Florida and he was in the area). My parents never knew that we hadn't met before until it was accidentally blurted out at Christmas dinner. 
From then on, my parents have REALLY not liked him because of how we met and how they perceive him as treating me (he treats me like a damn queen but they haven't seen that side of him, they've only had interactions with him for a total of about 2 weeks due to long distance). They claim that he is "too outgoing" and "open" and says things he shouldn't. He also is sarcastic (so am I, so I have learned when he's being sarcastic) but my parents just can't tell when he is joking and whatnot. 
Overall, they don't like his personality and they can see me doing much better than him, but I'm extremely happy with him and I am genuinely overall happy with my life for the first time in a very long time (I have bipolar depression). 
Does anybody have any advice for me? I'm definitely not leaving my boyfriend, but I just don't know how to fix this problem with my parents, or if I even should do anything at all and just let them think what they want.