Diminishing symptoms or miscarriage or nothing ??

I am a bit worried and confused. My last period was. May 6th. I had some light bleeding on May 23-24. A week after that I started experiencing early symptoms of a pregnancy (nausea, breast tenderness and discoloration, fatigue, bloating, and mood swings). I just assumed it was AF because it was around that time but she never came. I've taken two urine tests and a blood test all came back negative. I've talked to my ob about it and she's not sure what to make of it but to be sure I'm scheduled to have another blood test in 2 wks. 
Lately I've noticed that the nasuea isn't coming till around 9a. When before it was when I first woke up. Also my breasts don't feel as tender either. All the other symptoms are still the same.
Can anyone give me some insight on this?? I'd really appreciate it! :)