This is my second miscarriage...💔😭

... my first was with my very first love last year.... July 10 2016 to be exact. I ended up moving on and was with a guy who I could of sworn that what we has was love. We were set to marry in October of this year. But as soon as we got engaged he got too comfortable. We started fighting more often. At first the abuse was verbal.... calling me a bitch in front of his friends. Making me feel like I deserved this. Then one night, about two months ago, I was trying to fall asleep after a really bad fight and he was out getting drunk with his buddy's. He came home... held me down and forced me😢😭💔.... I didn't want it. He cheated on me after that and I still stayed. Why? I can't really explain. Anyways, we ended up breaking up about a month ago and I found out I was pregnant. Before I could even find out how far along I was I miscarried😣💔💔 I feel horrible my anxiety gets worse by the moment.... about a week ago I went to the police to get a restraining order. But it doesn't make feel any better. Now I have a guy who really wants to love me. He took me on my first REAL date ever. He's been the only one talking me out of ending my misery.... But I don't know who I can real trust. It breaks me because I'm afraid of opening my heart to him. I never used to be this gurl. I don't know when I became this. It hurts and people say talking about it makes it better. But for me it feels like when I try to talk it rips the parts of me that I'm trying to hold on to. But when I'm with this new guy he makes me feel beautiful again. He actually encourages me to be better for myself. Everyday as soon as he's off from work he picks me up and takes me with him everywhere so I don't spend the day alone locked up in my room sleeping. What to you think girls? Should I let go and trust him? Or is it too early for that??