I need advice

I've been struggling lately with my boyfriend. We've been dating for a year and a half and moved in together in march. I was being bullied while living on campus by some women in a sorority I was in so I felt very ready to live off campus. Since then I've had unexpected medical issues and have needed some financial help which he did and I tell him all the time how much I appreciated it.  However, since we moved in things have changed in our relationship. We have less sex than we did before we moved in together (barely once a week) and I have to basically beg him to look at me. I've tried to initiate it and he'll say he's too tired and go get on his computer. I respect that playing on his computer helps him unwind however I feel lonely living with someone whos supposed to be my best friend. I don't have friends right now because the women in the sorority were my friends and now I'm scared to initiate friendships with other people. I'm incredibly lonely and don't feel like I can talk to my bf because 1.) when asking me about graduate school brought up how he was concerned I wouldn't make it because of my depression which HURT. When I brought it up again to talk about it he just brushed it off that he didn't mean it that way. 2.) I can't get him to actually look at me and talk to me unless it's after sex or if he's asking me for an ingredient while cooking. He's either on his phone, computer, or watching tv which I can't compete with. 
I don't know what to do. I am losing interest. I spend all my free time taking my cat and his dog out without him (too much work and he doesn't feel like it) and I volunteer at the animal shelter as often as I can. He forces me to go with him to see his family even though he knows it stresses me out but I'll go anyways but seeing my family is a huge taxing effort for him. He used to check in on me to see how I was doing but now he only asks if I'm visibly having a bad day. I feel like this relationship is going no where. I can't get him to do anything romantic which I understand has to be his choice. I've stopped putting effort into this because while he tells me he wants to marry me, him telling me that I shouldn't go to grad school (major goal of mine) and won't give me the time of day makes me not care. I have a high sex drive so I frequently masturbate cause lol I can't get his attention unless I walk around in a bikini and last night he walked in on me masturbating and found that nice enough to have sex with me for the first time in a week and a half. I have a hard time staying wet though because he's been gaining a lot of weight (lots of chips and fast food) and I don't feel emotionally intimate either. 
I'm working through a lot of personal stuff rn and feel no support from him but everything was great when he tried before we moved in together and we're in the lease until may (11 more months) and I feel stuck. This is the biggest commitment I've ever been in and I feel like I'll disappoint my family if I end this because they love him but at the same time I don't think he is willing to listen. I told him Friday I felt lonely and then he made an effort to check in with me Saturday but forgot everything by the time sunday came around. 
I need advice. How do I talk to him or should I just end it or what