Emotional Rollercoaster (ftm)

I'm four days from my due date and I feel like I could break down any moment. My emotions are all over the place (thanks horomones). I'm uncomfortable, I can't sleep, and I feel so much GUILT for saying I want to be done.  I keep finding myself thinking of my two miscarriages prior to this baby and all the emotions from those losses come rushing back. I'm terried I'm going to spiral after I give birth- if that makes any sense? I go back and forth between pure excitement to meet my little man, and then I'm absolutely terrified that this tiny person is my responsibility forever once he's here. I should have nothing to complain about. I did everything I was raised to do: marriage, nice home, financially stable, picture-perfect nursery- now baby. I think I just need to have him already and get this next chapter started. This rollercoaster of emotions is very, very difficult to experience. 🙁