Work Baby Shower

I had a work baby shower today. I work in an office with 6 people. I have worked here for 9 years and the rest of the about 30 employees live out of state or work from home so I've never met them before. Usually when we buy birthday presents people chip in about $5-10 so I was expecting to get some cute outfits and have pizza for my shower. People out of the office rarely chip in.
I opened my gifts to find that my coworkers bought me a forehead baby thermometer, Fischer price puppy swing, high chair and a  a Motorola portable wireless Bluetooth monitor.
I cried.
And then they pulled out a gift card for me for a manicure, pedicure and massage at Glenn Ivy for after the baby is here because they said I will need a break. 
I have never felt so blessed in my entire life. I can't believe that so many people, some of which I haven't even met in person, would contribute to getting our baby these gifts.
I feel so honored and grateful to be surrounded by such loving people. I never thought in a million years people would do something like this for my family. My heart is so full.