31 Weeks


31 Weeks! I have to say that this picture makes me feel beautiful. I'm an ER nurse so I encounter a lot of people on a daily basis and they always ask me how far along I am. When I tell them 8 months I always hear "omg you are so tiny" and I know it might sound flattering to be called skinny but it makes me really sad and question how well she is growing. For the past week I have been feeling ugly. Not ashamed or sad about my belly, she is beautiful. But I've noticed ugly veins in the weirdest places (such as a huge one going across my left butt cheek) and I now have cellulite on my legs that are swelling, I get so many pimples and my boobs are now sagging, but after taking this picture I felt amazing and I see how well my baby is growing. And I couldn't be prouder.